Data Use Disclaimer

SCORCH data disclaimer:

The SCORCH consortium is dedicated to the timely release of data and strives to make all generated data publicly available within 12 months of submission to the NeMO Archive. Data dissemination will occur through two primary channels: NeMO Archive (for non-controlled access data) and dbGaP (for controlled access data). Data releases will be conducted on a rolling basis, with quarterly summaries available on the consortium website.

It is important to note that publicly released data and derived products may not always be in their final state at the time of release and are provided as-is. Although the consortium aims to deliver high-quality data promptly, there might be instances where data is released prior to experimental validation. SCORCH will maintain versioning of all released files via NeMO Archive and will promptly rectify any identified errors.

Disclaimer on Endorsement:

The usage of any services, products, or processes in data generation and analysis does not imply endorsement by the SCORCH Consortium. The consortium does not recommend or endorse any commercial products, processes, or services.

SCORCH Data Use Policies:

External users are welcome to utilize data generated by the consortium, provided they adhere to guidelines outlined in the Ft. Lauderdale agreement and make no attempt to identify any individual subject. Users are required to:

  • Cite the SCORCH marker paper and if applicable, the primary publication, GEO accession, and dbGaP accession numbers associated with the data.
  • Acknowledge data producers and tissue sources.
  • Reference NeMO Archive identifiers for the data collection/project.
  • For consensus processed data, include an additional citation: [Placeholder Citation].

Example Acknowledgment:

Tissue samples and support were provided by: The National Institutes of Health: Manhattan HIV Brain Bank (U24MH100931); Texas NeuroAIDS Research Center (U24MH100930); National Neurological AIDS Bank (U24MH100929); California NeuroAIDS Tissue Network (U24MH100928); NNTC Data Coordinating Center (U24MH100925).

Data Licensing:

Consensus processed data, processed by the SCORCH Data Coordinating Center using standardized pipelines (PIPELINE OVERVIEW LINK PLACEHOLDER), will be available under a CC BY 4.0 license. Data processed by individual groups may have different licenses, which will be clearly indicated alongside the dataset/file on NeMO Archive.

Intellectual Property:

Receiving Parties must not create any additional Intellectual Property derived from SCORCH Intellectual Property without consulting and obtaining permission from the originating Providing Party.

Website Registration and Privacy:

The SCORCH Consortium, including its representative website NeMO Archive, respects users' privacy rights. Any voluntarily provided information, such as email addresses or names, will not be shared with non-profit organizations or businesses. While individual user data remains confidential, the consortium reserves the right to review registrations and data accesses periodically, utilizing summary statistics for external reporting purposes to NIH and consortium stakeholders.

Broad Institute
Yale School of Medicine
The Institute for Genome Sciences
Allen Institute
Scripps Research
ICAHN School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
University of Nebraska Medical Center
University of California San Diego
Weill Cornell Medicine